Outbreaks of the disease were first described in the 16th century. The bacteria that causes the infection was discovered in 1906.
The vaccine became available in the 1940s.
B. pertussis is a small, aerobic gram-negative bacterial shaped rod.
The bacteria attach to the cilia of the respiratory epithelial cells, produce toxins that paralyze the cilia, and cause inflammation of the respiratory tract.Kendrick and Eldering are credited with the first effective vaccine.
Yes ofcourse
Measles, Mumps and Pertussis (Whooping Cough).
It is a vaccine to prevent Whooping Cough (also known as Pertussis).
by immunization in form of DPT vaccine
Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus
yes, why? because vaccine is a injected medicine for adults that can hurt you so much
The Pertussis vaccine was developed in 1921 but was not widely used till the 1930s.
Pertussis, aka Whooping Cough.
Whooping cough
The whooping cough is a bacterial infection that can be prevented or minimized with a vaccine. There is no information on its origins and it has long been something humans have had to deal with. It has been in the media more because many people have decided not to immunize their children; the incidence of whooping cough has increased tremendously in the last decade.
It is called Pertussis or "Whooping Cough".
DTP is a vaccine which inoculates us against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus