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Anorexia was first recorded as an actual disorder in 1873 by two English doctors. However, writings from monasteries dating as far back as ancient Greeks reveal reports of self-starvation and throwing up after meals. Priests wrote that Catherine of Sienna died due to only eating small meals and refusing to eat at most meals, which is now a sign of severe anorexia.

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15y ago

Anorexia was not "founded". It was officially diagnosed and described in medical books as an official disease in the late 1880s. However, records of eating disorder and anorexia (though undiagnosed) date back to the Middle Ages, and some even as far back as the ancient empires of Rome and Greece.

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Where is anorexia mostly founded?

Anorexia was first diagnosed and published as a disease in the 1800's. Anorexia is mostly found in female teenagers, that do very well in school, and in life, in fact Anorexia affects a lot of people that you would never guess have a problem. Female teenagers aren't the only victims of Anorexia though, Anorexia can affect anyone, Male or Female, teens to adults.

Which sex suffers more from anorexia males or females?

Females. 90% of all anorexia cases are found in females.

Where was anorexia discovered?

The first diagnosed case of anorexia occurred in the late 1800s in England.

Where in the world is anorexia most commonly found?


What year did scientists discover anorexia?

Anorexia was first diagnosed and recognized as an actual medical disorder in the 1880s.

Where is anorexia and bulimia located mostly?

Anorexia and Bulimia can - and are - found anywhere all around the world. Most cases, though, are found in women from middle-class or upper-class families in the Western hemisphere.

When was the first time anorexia was seen?

Since Victorian times! Look up 'Fasting Girls' this was anorexia with a different name.

What is the scientific name for Anorexia?

The scientific name for anorexia nervosa is Anorexia nervosa.

What are three types of eating disorders?

Binge disorder, compulsive eating disorder, anorexia? i know for sure the first two ar correct.

How was anorexia discovered?

In 1689, an English doctor named Richard Morton first described the condition. The condition was named anorexia nervosa by Sir William Gill in 1873.

Does naomi campell have anorexia?

No she does not have anorexia.

How do you spell anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia is the correct spelling.