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How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause was created in 2003.

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What contraceptive should you use during menopause?

Menopause means you've had no period for 12 months. Once that's true, you don't need birth control.

Does being on birth control delay menopause by stockpiling eggs?

No, birth control does not delay menopause, and does not save eggs. The time of menopause is not dependent on the number of eggs you release.

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When a mother gives birth (naturally) to a child who has it, the mother may transmit it during birth

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midwife has to look after the mother and the child/children during and after birth. midwife has to look after the mother and the child/children during and after birth.

Will the mother defecate during birth?

rarely but it is feasible

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No, Nahuel is not in love with Rennesme. Because he thinks she is interesting because she did not kill her mother(Bella) during birth. He killed his mother during birth.

Did tutankhamen's kids die at birth?

Yes they died during birth from there mother Kiya

Could stopping the birth control pill throw you into menopause?

Stopping the birth control pill could unmask the fact that your body was done ovulating, but couldn't cause menopause.

Is age 35 too old to have a baby?

No age before menopause is too old, but the older you are the more complications you will have. Also, the older the mother, the more likely the child is to have birth defects.

Is Artemis the greek goddess the goddess of childbirth?

Artemis is the goddess protector of the child during birth; birth itself is the domain of Eileithyia, and Hera is the protector of the mother during birth.

What is a multiple birth?

That means that the mother delivers more than one infant during birth. Twins, triplets, etc.

What are the reason for a mother to stop giving birth after giving birth to 4 children?

Only the doctor can tell but 4 children are many. Something might have happened during previous labors or she has hit menopause. Ask her if she wants more children and if she does, take her to her Gynecologist. At age 30 women have 50% of their eggs left and at age 40 it is 20%. It can also be the man that is infertile or have slow sperm.