This saying means that an army will go where it can be fed. If an army has no food, they will grow weak, when they are weak they march slow and are sluggish in a fight. So an army that marches on its stomach, marches to where it will be fed. Man cannot live on faith alone, while filling the spririt, it matters not to the stomach.
An Army marches on it's stomach. Meaning men must be food, no Army.
its stomach
His one famous quotes of Napoleon was AN ARMY MARCHES ON ITS STOMACH.
The ISBN of China's Red Army Marches is 0883553902.
China's Red Army Marches was created in 1934.
The duration of The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On is 2.03 hours.
China's Red Army Marches has 311 pages.
The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On was created on 1987-08-01.
The pen is mightier than the sword; An army marches on it's stomach; Take from that what you will. The ability to cook well is a strength, by all means. The desire to cook for others is a gift.
The French Foreign Legion
The locals who used them and the roman army as it made their marches easier and quicker