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Appropriate body temperature

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Q: When too highor too low physiological activities cease primarily because molecules are destroyed or become non-functional?
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When too high or too low physiological activities cease primarily because molecules are destroyed or become nonfunctional?

When physiological activities are too high or too low, it can disrupt the functioning of molecules essential for these activities. In extreme cases, these molecules can be destroyed or rendered nonfunctional due to the imbalance, leading to a halt in physiological processes and potentially causing harm to the organism. Maintaining a balance in physiological activities is crucial for proper functioning of the body.

How many ozone molecules are destroyed every day?

Ozone molecules are destroyed everyday by CFC's. This number depends upon the current season.

Describe what the ozone layer is how humans have destroyed it?

Ozone layer is a layer of ozone molecules. It is destroyed by man made CFC's.

Why do humans suffer ill effect if their body temperature varies too much?

Extreme variations in body temperature can disrupt the body's normal functioning, affecting enzyme activity and metabolic processes. In response, the body may try to compensate by shivering or sweating, which can lead to dehydration, exhaustion, or potential organ damage. Maintaining a stable body temperature is crucial for overall health and well-being.

What is a physiological change as a result of a catabolic chemical reaction?

A physiological change resulting from a catabolic chemical reaction is the breakdown of molecules into smaller components to release energy. This can lead to decreased energy storage in the form of glycogen or fat, and an increase in the availability of energy substrates for cellular processes.

What happens to the molecules during melting?

the order of the solid molecule is destroyed, the molecules can move more freely, while in solids the molecules vibrate in fixed point

How does the ozone leyer is destroy?

The ozone layer is destroyed by certain chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons, which break down ozone molecules in the stratosphere. This destruction is primarily caused by human activities like industrial processes and the use of certain products like aerosol sprays and refrigerants. When these chemicals reach the ozone layer, they release chlorine and bromine atoms that catalytically destroy ozone molecules.

What organelle breaks down food molecules to power cellular activities?


How does the eukaryotic cell make energy that requires for its many activities?

The mistochondria burn sugar molecules~ (Plato) :3

What are molecules that travel through blood and regulate body activities called?

They are called "hormones".

Briefly describe how Avery and his group determined which molecules was most important for transformation?

Avery and his colleagues made an extract, or juice, from the heat-killed bacteria. They then carefully treated the extract with enzymes that destroyed proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and other molecules, including the RNA. Transformation still occurred. Obviously, since these molecules had been destroyed, they were not responsible for the transformation. Your welcome:)

Metabolism can be categorized?

Metabolism can be categorized into anabolism, which involves the building of molecules and requires energy, and catabolism, which involves the breakdown of molecules to release energy. These processes work together to maintain the balance of molecules in the body and support various physiological functions.