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Q: When the pancreas detects a high concentration of sugar in the blood it releases?
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How does the body respond to a increase in the blood sugar concentration?

The pancreas, it releases insulin.

What organ in the body detects changes in blood glucose level?

The pancreas is the organ in the body that detects changes in blood glucose levels. It releases insulin to lower blood sugar levels and glucagon to raise blood sugar levels in response to these changes.

What does pancreas secrete when blood glucose falls?

Pancreas detects blood glucose level by its cells called "Islets of Langerhans." When the blood glucose level is too high, it releases insulin. When it becomes too low, the pancreas then releases glucagon to elevate a low blood glucose.

Which organ monitors blood sugar concentration?

The pancreas closely monitors blood sugar concentration by releasing insulin to lower blood sugar levels and glucagon to raise blood sugar levels.

Which is an endocrine function apex?

The pineal glands releases melatonin into the bloodstream

How does the feedback control system for insulin production work?

The feedback control system for insulin production involves monitoring blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels rise (e.g., after a meal), the pancreas releases insulin to help cells absorb glucose, thus lowering blood glucose levels. Conversely, when blood glucose levels drop, insulin production decreases to prevent hypoglycemia. This feedback loop helps maintain blood glucose levels within a specific range in the body.

How does pancreas know to give off insulin?

When it detects the sugar in your blood. The sugar has to pass through your pancreas and it lets insulin out depending on how much sugar there is.

When blood glucose levels rise your pancreas releases a hormone called?

Insulin is a peptide hormone released by the pancreas when glucose levels in the blood rise.

What organ releases insulin and glucagon?

The pancreas releases insulin and glucagon. Insulin helps lower blood sugar levels, while glucagon helps raise blood sugar levels when they are low.

How does the pancreas help the digestion system?

The pancreas produces certain enzymes and hormones, including insulin, that break down food. The pancreas releases these fluids directly into the blood and the ducts of the body.

Which is an endocrine function?

The pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream

When glucose levels in the blood drop below normal the pancreas releases a hormone called glucagon?

This is certainly true