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Almost immediately. If you see this happen, call 911 asap.

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Q: When the jugular vein is cut how soon will the person begin to feel the blood loss?
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How deep do you have to cut in order to sever jugular vein?

well, if you place 2 fingers at the back of your jaw by your ear, apply a bit of pressure, and you will feel your jugular vein. so in order to cut your jugular vein, u basically have to apply enough pressure to cut through skin, and a little bit more. Just recently (today) i had gotten a skate in the neck and blood started coming out, turns out i didnt cut my jugular tho, i was about an inch away.

What do patients feel with high blood pressure?

Usually a person with high blood pressure feel no symptoms. Very dangerous condition.

Can too much blood be injected into a person?

Not at all. You can inject as much blood as you feel necessary, however, spotting may occur.

What happens to your artery when you feel a pulse?

During diastole, or the resting part of the heartbeat, there is a minimum amount of pressure on arteries. When the heart pumps (systole) it forces the blood out of the ventricle and into the artery. Arteries are elastic, so when this blood passes through it, it causes the artery to expand from the increased pressure. It is this expansion as the bolus of blood rushes forward that you feel in a pulse.

Why does high fat diet make person feel sluggish?

blood is being transfered to the stomach

Jugular notch?

The depression at the most proximal portion of the sternum. In an intact body, you can feel this notch located between sternal ends of the clavicle.

What can make you feel like you have hypertension but does not have the same symptoms?

Something that can make you feel like you have hypertension but does not have the same symptoms, would be low blood sugar. Symptoms can vary from person to person, though.

How is a person diagnosed with diabetes?

you feel tired a lot and you need the toilet a lot you should get a blood test!

Why does feel dizzy when his blood is deficient in hb?

A person with low hemoglobin may feel dizzy because his blood doesn't have enough oxygen-carrying capacity. The brain requires large amounts of oxygen, and may be the first organ to notice a deficiency.

Why do astronauts feel dizzy when they enter the earth's atmosphere from spending a long time in space?

They begin feeling gravity again which is now pulling all their blood and it changes their blood pressure and the fluid in the ear drums.

Why you cannot feel pulse?

you haven't pushed against the bone to feel the pulse in the vein in, or the person might have very low blood pressure

How do a person feel when losing to much blood?

When a person loses too much blood, they may feel weak, dizzy, and lightheaded. Paleness, rapid heart rate, and shortness of breath are common symptoms. In severe cases, they may experience confusion, cold clammy skin, and even loss of consciousness.