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An ectopic pregnancy.

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Q: When the fertilized egg remains in the fallopian tube instead of traveling to the uterus what is this called?
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After fertilisation what does the ovary become?

the ovary does not become fertilized and remains an ovary. if you mean the egg, it becomes a Zygote.

When does fertilization of the egg occur?

Fertilization of the egg typically occurs when a sperm cell penetrates the egg cell in the fallopian tube, forming a zygote. This usually happens within 12-24 hours after ovulation.

If my cat were already pregnant when she was spayed and they left the uterus in can she carry the litter to term?

If the cat's uterus remains in tact and a full hysterectomy was not performed, then yes it is possible for her to carry the kittens to term. If she was pregnant before being spayed.Usually in that situation they will have simply severed the fallopian tubes which prevents the egg from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus.

For how long the will the egg remain fertilized?

After fertilization, the egg will remain viable for about 12-24 hours. If not fertilized within this time frame, it will deteriorate and be shed during the woman's next menstrual cycle.

If the speed of an does NOT change the object is traveling at a what?

It is travelling at a constant speed. This does not mean that there is no acceleration or that the direction of motion remains the same.

If the speed of an object does NOT change the object is traveling at a what?

If the speed of an object does not change, the object is traveling at a constant speed.

Is a fertilized chicken egg living or nonliving?

If it remains unfertilised it is non living. However at the start of its existence it holds the potential to become part of a living thing.

Why are there no chicks in eggs when you buy them and eat?

The simple answer is: because they are not fertilized. In order for a baby chick to grow inside an egg and eventually hatch, it must first be fertilized, like a human woman pregnant with a baby that eventually is born. If an egg remains unfertilized, it can be used for human consumption.

What feeds on the remains of dead animals instead of hunting?

The term for this description is scavenger.

Is a fertilized chicken egg living or non living?

If it remains unfertilised it is non living. However at the start of its existence it holds the potential to become part of a living thing.

Is a non- fertilized chicken egg living or nonliving?

If it remains unfertilised it is non living. However at the start of its existence it holds the potential to become part of a living thing.

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Hugo Boss makes a nice leather laptop case that still remains relatively small.