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Q: When sinus arrest continues for 6 seconds or more it is considered?
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What is difference between sinus arrest exit block and sinus arrhythmia?

Sinus activiy is really not recorded on the ECG(EKG) only the atria's response to it. Hence, Sinus Arrest and Sinus Exit Block are determined on the basis of what we can see. The absense of the P wave and it's recurance at the next expected intereval is considered a Sinus Exit Block; meaning the sinus node did its job, but the impluse was blocked form the rest of the atria. The mechanism of such blocking is not fully understood at this point In sinus arrest the the pause is not accurate to the next expected cardiac cycle thus is considered a sinus arrest - meaning that something stopped the sinus node activity for a time (usually just seconds). Of the two Sinus Exit Block carries the least risk of symptoms for the patient.

What is sinus arrest?

When the Sino-atrial node fails momentarily to initiate an impulse, sinus arrest occurs. When the sino-atrial node fails momentarily to initiate an impulse, sinus arrest occurs.

What is another name for sinus block?

Sinusitis is when the sinus's become blocked due to infection, but not really used to describe a 'blocked nose' just because sinusitis can become a rather serious disease, whereas just a blocked nose is usually just from a cold

Is sinus arrest or a sinus pauses dangerous during exercise?

Sinus arrest or sinus pauses sometimes happen due to slow electrical conduction within atrial tissue, Such as during sleep when the SA node discharging impulses slowly. It is more common for it to occur when the heart rate is slow however it CAN occur with normal heart rates. During exercise the heart will be beating faster so if there is a sinus pauses atrial stand-still could occur unless atrial cells become the pacemaker. It is very unlikely but it could be serious if the SA node pacemaker does not take control of the heart quickly. Its unlikely to occur.- It sometimes happends during MI or heart attack. MI standing for myocardial- infarctions.

What is Stinky stuff in back of throat?

Sinus drainage comes down the back of your throat. Try drinking hot water or hot tea without milk. It it continues or if you have pain below your cheek bones or over your eyes, you might have a sinus infection.

What is the name of the paranasal sinuses?

paranasal sinus include frontal sinus, the maxillary sinus, the ethmodial sinuses, and the spheniodal sinus.

What is the sinus cavity?

The maxillary sinus

What is the names of the major paranasal sinuses?

paranasal sinus include frontal sinus, the maxillary sinus, the ethmodial sinuses, and the spheniodal sinus.

What words have the root sinus?

Some words with the root sinus include sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), sinusoid (having a sinus-like curve), and sinusoidal (relating to a sinus).

Does sinus becomes a death cause?

In health, be sure you are talking about the correct "sinus" The heart has a sinus, so please be specific about which sinus you are referring to.

What is the largest sinus cavity?

The maxillary sinus

What is the plural of the sinus?

The plural of sinus is sinuses.