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NEVER. If you have bulimia go see a doctor

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Q: When should you vomit for bulimia?
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Remove food from stomach?

Vomit. Bulimia is not the answer.

What are people who overindulge in food and vomit?


What is it called when you eat and then vomit regulary?

The condition is called bulimia.

What is the disorder when you splurge on eating and then throw up but not bulimia?

dont understand this question, bulimia is when you eat than make your self vomit? hmmm....

Can chronic cough result from bulimia?

Since bulimia is where someone forces them self to vomit, they COULD get a chronic cough. Since the stomach acid in the vomit can erode at the skin the the throat, it will irritate the skin, therefore making you want to cough.

Is eating very little then throwing up when you do eat considered bulimia?

Maybe. Bulimia is when somebody eats a lot of junk food and makes them self vomit.

Can you get tooth decay from bulimia or anorexia?

Yes, more so from bulimia, though (vomit contains acidic stomach juices which wear away at tooth enamel).

When people eat but then vomit to be thin is call?

The condition is known as 'bulimia', with sufferers being 'bulimic.'

You eat once a day and you vomit what you eat once a day do you have bulimia?

Sounds like it. See a doctor please.

Is making yourself vomit a form of detoxing?

No. It would be considered a factor of bulimia, a dangerous and potentially fatal eating disorder.

Who are people that make themselves throw up?

Individuals who engage in self-induced vomiting are usually suffering from an eating disorder such as bulimia nervosa. This behavior is a way for them to try to control their weight or cope with underlying psychological issues. It is important for these individuals to seek professional help in order to address the root causes of their behavior and receive appropriate treatment.

When one should get bulimia treatment?

Bulimia is an eating disorder that is characterized by binging and purging. Once it is known that bulimia is present then treatment should be sought immediately. Bulimia can cause many health problems up to and including death.