When your boobs have hard bumps under them start to wear a training or sports bra. When your boobs start to sag and your vagina starts to have hair and you may start to shave start at a 30A.
Once you start to notice your breasts when wearing just a plain white shirt, you should start out with a training or sports bra. Once you are comfortable with those and your breasts are large enough to fill a cupped bra then try an A cup.
ask your mom if you can get a training bra. its like a cupped bra. OR you can tell them to suck it up and like you for who you are.
you should wear one if your breast are big enough I started wearing a training bra at age 7 to get used to it I actually needed it at age 8 and a half and I started wearing size 36A at age 9 I am now 13 and wear size 38C and my mom says I'm almost ready for a 32D so really any age but defiantly in 6th grade you should start wearing a cup bra I started wearing a training bra at 7. I got my first cup bra at 8. I'm 13 now and I'm a size 36DD. By the end of your 5th grade year you should definatly be wearing a cupped bra.
When your breasts start developing you should start wearing crop tops/training bras. Once you have developed large enough to fit into an A cup, you should wear a proper bra.
Your mom was once your age: the age where you need one. Don't be afraid to ask her because she once had to do the same thing. But don't ask her when she is in a bad mood or when she is busy, or she will most likely say no. Start off with a training bra or sports bra, and then you can move on to padded ones or cupped ones once you are used to wearing a bra. Most Muslim moms do not want their girls to be wearing the padded bras or cup bras, at least when they first start wearing a bra. If she says no, she knows what is best for you.
There is no set guideline on when you should start wearing a bra. but you could start wearing a training bra when your breasts start to develop. If you are unsure when that is, you will notice the nipples and breast start to raise and you might notice the areola (the area around the nipple) begin to get bigger. When you see those changes, called the breast bud stage, you should ask your mom about getting a training bra. If you don't wear a training bra at that stage, you can start wearing one when the breast itself starts to develop and get bigger. Sometimes, it's hard for moms to talk to their daughters about this, so you should let your mom know when you start seeing the changes described above and ask her if you can start wearing a training bra.
There is no size, it all depends on comfort. When you get to the point that you are more comfortable wearing a bra than you are without one you should start wearing one.
if you re afraid you are showing your nipples through your shirt than you should start to wear a training bra.
11 or ten is good but i thinks its better if you wear both but start wearing a cupped bra because they are kind of annoying so you should start wearing them! There is no specific age. it depends on how big your breasts are.
I think it should be when you have a 'chest' and you need one. I need to start wearing one and I'm 10.
One cannot determine when to start wearing a real bra by the girls age, it all depends on weather you need it or not, but usually girls start to wearing training bras/ crop tops underneath their shirts when they are 10-12 years of age, then you start to wear a normal bra when you feel that you need one.
Apparently you should start wearing a bra when you can place a pencil under your boob and it stays there without you holding it. Most people just buy them when their bobbs start growing.