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When RA is in remission there is no sign of the symptoms of the disease but as far as is known at this time there is also no reason to assume that the disease wont flare up again at any time .

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Q: When rhumatiod arthritis is in remission?
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What are examples of remission?

Remission can refer to a period of improvement or absence of symptoms in a disease like cancer. For instance, a cancer patient whose tumor has shrunk significantly after treatment might be said to be in remission. In autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, remission can mean a period of reduced disease activity where symptoms are not as severe.

Are certain antioxidants better for rhumatiod arthritis?

There is talk about that antioxidants help RA however there is not hard and fast evidence that this makes any difference at present. RA is an Autoimmune disease, that means that the immune system has developed an immunity to the body own tissue.

Can a child have rheumatoid arthritis and not have it as an adult?

No, not really it can go into remission however there is always the chance of it flaring up again. However there are many situation where children that have suffered fro juvenile arthritis never have a problem again in adulthood.

Can juvenile rheumatoid arthritis change into osteoarthritis?

No they are completely different diseases. Many people that have JRA go into remission and never have a problem with it again once they get past a certain age and many keep having the problem with Rheumatoid arthritis. To date there has been no cure found for rheumatoid arthritis and all that can be done with it is keep any damage it does under as much control as possible while it is not in remission. RA is an autoimmune disease where inflammation damages the connective tissues of the body. Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis where joint become damaged as a result of wear and tear and trauma. in a lot of cases the results can lead to the same problems in the joints but other then that there is no connection.

What is the degenerative disease characterized by pain and swelling in the joints?

This is generally described as arthritis the main culprit would be Osteoarthritis which is a non inflammatory form of arthritis often the result of joint trauma and just plain wear and tear. there is also Rheumatoid arthritis which is a autoimmune disease that destroys connective tissue in the joints and other places and gouty arthritis which is the result of the formation of uric acid crystals in the blood which invade joints and other organs of the body. there are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and to date there is no cure other then remission for any of them. there seem to be genetic links with the majority of them

Can juvenile rheumatoid arthritis be cured?

There is no cure for JRA the only thing to do is monitor it and use the right drugs and physiotherapy to keep it under control and to stop it from causing more damage then can be helped. With luck the disease can go into remission for unspecified periods of time.

How do you beat rheumatoid arthritis?

You cant beat it the moment unless you are lucky and it goes into remission. The only option open for RA at present is to keep the inflammation under control and avoid as much tissue damage as possible.

What is the root word for remission?

The root word for remission is mission.

What is the medical terminology for Disappearance of disease symptoms?


How are the terms remission and recurrence related in regards to cancer?

Remission is when cancer signs disappear, Recurrence is the return of cancer after a remission.

Remission in a sentence?

Here is a sentence with the word remission, "His finances were significantly improved by the remission of his penalties." This is used to mean cancellation of charges or fees.

Is there any way to lower the rheumatoid factor and hence put the rheumatoid arthritis into remission?

They have not been able to do this up to now, In any case Lowering the RA factor wont necessarily mean that you go into remission the fact is that they still don't understand the cause or how to cure it. For now the only treatment is control inflammation pay exorbitant amounts of money to do so, and hope for the best.