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A heart attack

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Q: When part of the heart muscle dies from lack of oxygen and the entire organ stops working the result is?
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When part of the heart muscle died from lack of oxygen and the entire organ stops working the result is?

heart attack

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muscle tissues are made as a result of working out. i think that this is how we get stronger

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muscle tissues are made as a result of working out. i think that this is how we get stronger

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What occurs when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen?

When the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen, it can lead to a condition called ischemia, which can result in chest pain (angina) or a heart attack (myocardial infarction). This oxygen deprivation can be caused by blockages in the coronary arteries, leading to reduced blood flow to the heart muscle.

Why the oxygen concentration in muscle cells may be low during vigorous activity?

During vigorous activity, muscle cells require more oxygen to produce energy through aerobic metabolism. However, the rate of oxygen consumption may exceed the rate at which oxygen is delivered to the muscle cells, leading to a low oxygen concentration. This can result in the switch to anaerobic metabolism, producing lactic acid and leading to muscle fatigue.

Vasodilation with exercise will result in?

Vasodilation during exercise increases blood flow to the working muscles, delivering more oxygen and nutrients for energy production and waste removal. This process helps to improve exercise performance and endurance by enhancing muscle function and reducing the risk of muscle fatigue.

Why is oxygen so much more critical to the heart muscle then to skeletal muscle?

It isn't more critical, the heart muscle itself is simply one of the most important and necessary muscles which we need to survive. Any muscle when deprived of oxygen will begin to die off, in the case of a thigh muscle however it's more likely to just necessitate amputation (to prevent gangrene from rotting tissue) or it would just result in the muscle not working anymore. The only real distinction that if the heart muscle just "doesn't work anymore" you're dead, you can survive without a bicep or tricep, not without a heart.Oxygen is vital to all muscles. Without oxygen cells die. When oxygen is not received to a skeletal muscle, the muscle wil begin to die out and you will feel tightness, cramps and a lot of pain in the effected region. When heart muscle is deprived of oxygen that is what is known as a heart atack. Blood (oxygen) is blocked from the heart and the muscle of the heart (myocardium) begins to die off. If too much of the myocardium dies the heart will not work properly. The heart will begin to go into Ventricalarfibrulation (V-Fib).

Which chemical makes your muscles sore after working out?

When muscles are over-exerted, the muscle cells carry out anaerobic respiration to compensate for the oxygen deficit. Lactic acid produced as a result of this causes muscles to become sore or develop cramps.

What could happen if you ran and your heart pumped slowly?

A shortage of oxygen and nutrients could result in muscle spams and weakness.

What can happen when the heart muscle does not get enough blood?

Myocardial ischemia results from the temporary lack of oxygen; if ischemia is prolonged, it could result in permanent damage to the heart muscle. This condition is called myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack.ischemia

What painful muscle condition can result if you use a muscle too much and tear muscle fibers?

A muscle strain can result from overuse of a muscle and tearing of muscle fibers.