Blacken sign tissue is a sign of tissue death from possibly a circulation problem, such as Diabetes, or infection of some kind. It requires medical treatment ASAP. Frost-bite also gives tissue a blacken appearance.
Spiders do not have ankles, or feet. They do have legs, however.
if you have three legs
Ankles are the joint connecting the leg and foot. Oprah has two legs and two feet. This means she would have two ankles.
Why are your legs and ankles swelled? This is vital, as this is a sign of heart trouble. Put your feet your feet up and see the doctor.
By spreading her legs!
do you get pain in your ankles from fibromyalgia -yes, all the time. I also have it in my back, legs, feet, arms, and I get migranes.
spreading your legs
yes if the kidneys fail.
Yes, penguins do have ankles. However, their ankle joints are not as visible externally because of the thick layer of feathers covering their legs.
Yes, I don't like it.
Poor circulation