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Q: When is wearing a mask most beneficial in a health respiratory system?
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When is wearing a mask most beneficial to healthy respiratory system?

When there are a lot of toxins in the air such as when there is a fire or if you are at a debris field. It also helps when sweeping a dusty garage.

When wearing a mask most beneficial to a healthy respiratory system?

When there are a lot of toxins in the air such as when there is a fire or if you are at a debris field. It also helps when sweeping a dusty garage.

What specific foods are beneficial to the respiratory system?

well since your repiratory system is your breathing body parts there is really not a food that can benefit your respiratory system

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What are the health hazards of cow manure?

While cow manure is used frequently as a beneficial fertilizer, it may have health hazards. Manure gives off gasses as it decomposes. In quantity, these gasses replace oxygen and may cause a loss of consciousness or other health effects on the respiratory system.

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how does the respiratory system contribute to your overall health

Which activity is least beneficial for a healthy respiratory system?

Well, if you had asked "What lifestyle activity definitely has a negative impact on the respiratory system," I would answer "smoking."

What is a respiratory home care port system?

Respiratory home care port system is a system that provides in-home patient care services such as home health and home medical equipment.

Can mining bauxite affect the respiratory system?

There is little evidence of significant adverse effects on respiratory health associated with bauxite mining.There is little evidence of significant adverse effects on respiratory health associated with bauxite mining.

How a infection affecting the respiratory system would directly threaten a person's health?

If you have an infection in the respiratory system then this can cause your airways to become restricted so that you cannot breath.

What is the name for respiratory system?

The respiratory system is the system that handles breathing.

Are the teeth an important part of the respiratory system?

Teeth are not directly involved in the respiratory system. They are part of the digestive system, as they aid in chewing food to make it easier to swallow and digest. However, a healthy mouth with intact teeth is important for overall health and well-being, which includes the respiratory system.