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I'm assuming you meant "sick to your stomach". If you really meant make your stomach sick, then please ignore this.

The short answer is yes. I've had more than a few cases of bacterial tonsillitis (as I do at the moment...yay!). Once you get on antibiotics, the infection starts to die, the tonsils start to contract (or whatever the right word would be for "return from swelling to a normal state"), and pus and mucus begins to drain down the throat into the stomach.

For me, this has two effects. First, the pus and snot tends to make my stomach upset, especially if I don't eat anything.

Second, the pain from the sore throat created by the swollen tonsils and drainage tends to be similar to the throat pain created by severe heartburn. So, those of us who get heartburn might interpret this as an upset stomach even though the stomach is fine. This is more of a case of "refered" pain.

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Q: When healing from tonsillitis would you have major throat drainage that would make you sick at your stomach?
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=== === * sore throat * tonsillitis * strep throat

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How do you spell tonsillitis?

The correct spelling is "tonsils" (lymphoid tissue in the throat).

Which part of human body is affected by tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, which are located at the back of the throat. It can cause symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever.

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Milk is bad for you when you have tonsillitis because you will get mucus your throat and will end up coughing

Why is there a white spot in your throat?

Strep Throat, Thrush ( Mouth yeast infection), tonsillitis.

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Banana hurt my throat when I had tonsillitis.

Is strep throat another name for tonsillitis?

It is actually the throat, but your tonsils get inflammed so nothing else can effect your throat.

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There is no such condition as colitis of the throat. Colitis means inflammation of the colon. Inflammation in the throat is called tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Can tonsillitis make you lose weight?

No having tonsillitis cannot make you overweight. You will get a sore throat, swollen glands and may have to have your tonsils. == ==

Are the trachea and the throat the same?

A throat is a common name for the hole inside your neck. However, there are two tubes running from your mouth or nose to your stomach or lungs. The oesathagus and the trachea. One tube goes to your stomach with I think is the trachea and the other one allows humans to breathe.

Which part of the body would be affected if you had tonsillitis?

Gland at the back of the Throat the tonsils.