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its weird

nothing wrong tho

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Q: When finished weeing couple of secs later the bladder hurts and feels like need to do more wee?
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What happens when you take a piss?

your bladder feels better

How do you know you are not weeing instead of sending sperm?

It feels a lot different, you can tell as wee is a lot thinner compared to semen, so if it takes longer to come out, it is 99% of the time semen

What part of the urinary system holds urine until a person feels the need to urine?

The bladder.

What part of the urinary system holds urine until the person feels the need to urinate?

The bladder.

What are the indication of pregnancy?

Feel sick in the morning. Stomach feels harder. Weak bladder. Crave things.

What are the symptoms of female bladder problems and where can I go for more information about them?

More common symptoms are pain in the bladder if its full, you feel going to the bathroom frequently than normal, or you can't hold even if your bladder is not full but it feels like full.

How many urine in the bladder when someone feels like urinating?

The sensation of needing to urinate typically occurs when the bladder is around half full, which is roughly 200-400 milliliters of urine.

Why do you lose bladder control when high?

Because you lose inhibition when high, and peeing in your pants feels great. Don't worry.

What do you do if you hit your knee and it feels out of place?

if you have hit your knee and it feels out of place the best thing for you to do is to rest it for a couple of days and if it feels no better go t the nearest accident and emergency department for it to be looked at by a professional

Why during intercourse it feels like his penis is hitting your bladder?

A female's pelvic organs are arranged behind muscles and ligaments. A force on the cervix can make it jar the vagina, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and bladder. Also in women who have had babies, the bladder might be sitting lower (cystocele) pressing into into the top wall of the vagina.

How does a pelvic ultrasound with an full bladder feels like?

Ultrasound is a high frequency sound that can penetrate through certain mediums.E.g. One can check if they are pregnant using ultrasound.I did it and felt nothing! so no worries!

How do you express your cats bladder?

To express a cat's bladder use slight pressure to gently squeeze the bladder area with one hand while supporting the cat with the other. Most cats do not like to have this done so try to clam the cat, and make sure to fully support the cat's body so it feels safe.