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Anytime I want the truth of my childhood experiences and want to speak about things I remember. Also whenever she does not get her way and if I try to confront her. My whole life I have been intimadated by her. I am 41 years old and have finally found the strenght to not talk to her until she gets help for herself. She has to be in control, she turns my brother and sister and me against one another. WHen she tells you something and you ask her the next time she makes me feel like I am crazy , she deniaes ever saying what she said. I have suffered from lyme/major depression for most of my life . I am finally finding the root cause of my problem . I had to cut opff the ties but she still talks to my son who is 21 and talks all bad about me. I tell my son you know the truth and will not fight her anymmore. I need to liver and be and finally find who I am not who she makes me feel that I am. I am tired of her mind games, blaming, and untruth.

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