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probably on 28th day or mostly between 26th and 30th day

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Q: When does ovulation with women 2 month minstrel cycle?
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Can women ovulate twice in one month?

It is uncommon but possible for some women to ovulate twice in one month. This phenomenon is known as "ovulation twice in one cycle" or "double ovulation." It typically occurs due to hormonal fluctuations, but it does not happen regularly for most women.

Can a women only get pregnant two days out of the month?

No, a woman can typically get pregnant during the 5-day period leading up to ovulation and the day of ovulation itself. This window can vary depending on the length and regularity of her menstrual cycle.

What is the Ovalution?

Ovulation is the time of the month when a women discharges an ova or ovules from the ovary.

What is the process by which one egg cell is released in a women body each month?

The process by which one egg cell is released in a woman's body each month is called ovulation. During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube, where it may be fertilized by sperm. Ovulation is controlled by hormones and typically occurs around the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle.

When is the best day for sex to avoid pregnant and how can you no when is your ovulation period?

every women ovulates at a differeent time. but generally there is a 48 hour period in the middle of your cycle. so if you always have your period at the beginning of the month then you would ovulate in the middle of the month.

Have you got to be on your period to get pregnant?

No you do not have to be on your period to get pregnant. The reason you may have heard it called a monthly cycle is because every women has certain phases that her body goes through in approximately a month and one of them is a monthly period. Another part of the cycle is ovulation (the time during which a women can get pregnant.) Ovulation is when the ovaries release an egg and it happens at different times for different women. There are ways to track ovulation but I never read any of it too in depth (I was already Pregnant). The link I included has a lot of info but explains the menstrual cycle pretty well. The part you should pay attention to though is ovulation. If you need more info on how to tell when you are fertile (not just a guess based on the average women) the next link I provided goes in depth on different signs of ovulation and other parts of the menstrual cycle, it even includes a calendar for you to track on. Hope this is helpful.

Can ovulation occur twice in women?

You bet! In fact, it can occur every month for 30 years.

Does the menstrual cycle happen every month?

Yes, the menstrual cycle typically occurs every month in women of reproductive age. It involves the shedding of the uterine lining (menstruation) and the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation), preparing the body for a potential pregnancy.

How often does an egg leave the ovary in an adult woman?

An egg typically leaves the ovary once a month during ovulation in adult women.

How many ovum are released each month?

Usually only one ovum is released per month during a woman's menstrual cycle. This process is known as ovulation.

How do you know your ovulation schedule?

On a 28 day cycle, day 14 will be your ovulation period. Ovulation window is 3 days. You can purchase a ovulation predictor kit from your Pharmacist & see when your Ovulating. Write the dates down in a record & on a regular cycle you should notic ovulation occurs around the same day every month. Symptoms of ovulation are: * Increase in vaginal discharge. * Egg-white vaginal discharge. * Mild abdominal cramping or twinges (occurs only in some individuals).

Why do a women urinate a lot after hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy alone is the removal of the uterus. My understanding is that as you still have your ovaries and therfore your cycle the removal does not affecr your monthly cycle of ovulation