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Around 12 or 13 you need it to protect you from a bacteria for rusted metal that will eventually kill you and when you get it it will be around 6 th grade because you can't move in to 7 th grade until you get the shot

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Q: When do you need tetnus shot?
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How can you treat a rusty nail injury?

1.) Get a Tetnus shot 2.) If you stepped on it, get your leg amputated

What does T57 mean on dog tags?

I'm more familiar with dog tags worn during WW2. On those the T43 would mean the soldier had a tetnus shot in the year 1943. So, T57 means he had his shot in 1957. The dog tag contained some medical information such as blood type and date of tetnus shot.

Are opossum dangerous?

A possum bite is not usually considered dangerous. There teeth are sharp and will break the skin, it is probably best to let a doctor look at it to be sure you do not need a rabies or tetnus shot though.

What do you do if you get needle in your foot?

Try to remove it if you can. I would also go get a tetnus shot if you haven't had one in over 10 years.

How can you help someone who go bitten by a vampire?

atlantis existed BUT vampires are sooo fake and this will never happen If you're talking about the bat then he will need both a rabies shot (series of 6) and a tetnus shot. And quickly because once rabies is onset it is incurable and fatal.

With a injury involving bleeding you may need to give what to the victim after one hour?

It would depend on what bacteria is infecting the wound. Usually a tetnus shot is given within 24 hours of an injury involving bleeding.

When do you have to get a tetanus jab?

A tetnus shot is good for 10 years unless there is an exposure in which you will most likely get one in between 5 and 10 years

Do opossums bite?

A possum bite is not usually considered dangerous. There teeth are sharp and will break the skin, it is probably best to let a doctor look at it to be sure you do not need a rabies or tetnus shot though.

What is the medical term for tetnus?

Tetanus is the medical term for the viral infection people call lockjaw. It is the same one that you get a tetanus shot to help prevent.

Where on your body to you have a tetnus jab?

A tetanus shot is typically administered in the upper arm muscle, also known as the deltoid muscle.

Where can you get a low cost tetanus shot in San Marcos Tx?

The health department should give free or low cost tetnus, or try the county hospital