premolars are for chewing
In humans, there are two premolars per quadrant, making eight premolars total in the mouth.
Premolars are similar to molars but differ in function. Molars only grind whereas premolars hold and grind your food. Anatomically they are different as well. Premolars have 3 cusps where molars have 4 or 5. Premolars have two roots where molars can have 2 or 3. Premolars are succedaneous where molars are non-succedaneous. Hope that helps.
The teeth after your canines are your premolars, 4 on the upper and lower, they are side by side.
What artist first distinguished molars from premolars
A two year old child has four molars on each jaw which are located at the site of premolars There are no premolars in a human child. The dental formula formula is 2120 there are no premolars the molars are in the premolars category
there are no premolars in primary dentition
premolars are for separating the food further so that the molars can chew it down even more
There are premolars, molars, incisors and canines.