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at the month of ramadan all , from salah al fajr "before sun rise " to salah al majreb "before sun set" this is must for every muslim

but some days are option for siyaam like every Monday and thursday and 13,14,15

for every day at the month "hegry" , "moon month" , arafat day but not at hajj ,

10 of moharam .

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Q: When do Muslims keep siyaam or fasts?
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Why do people keep fasts?

People keep fasts for various reasons, including religious observance, spiritual growth, self-discipline, to improve health, or to show solidarity with those in need. Fasting is also believed to have mental and physical benefits such as cleansing the body, promoting mindfulness, and enhancing self-control.

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Why is fasting at Ramadan so important for a Muslim?

Fasting during Ramadan is extremely significant because it is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The other four include Salat, Shahadah, Hajj and Zakat. Fasting as a Pillar is called Sawm. During the 30 days of Ramadan, Muslims who have reached at least the age of 7, or a capable age, are required to keep some of the fasts, if not all. People who are more stable are required to keep all.

How do Muslims celebrate Ramadan in Pakistan?

Muslims in Pakistan generally start keeping fasts after the National Moonsighting Committee sights the moon of Ramadan. Muslims fast from dawn (Fajr prayers) to dusk (Mughrib prayers), during which time they refrain from food and drink, as well as other "sinful" acts, such as lying, backbiting, fighting, etc. Many Muslims also refrain from listening to music during this time. The month of fasting ends with the sighting of the new moon of Shawwal, after which Eid ul Adha is celebrated. Besides the fasting, business goes on in Pakistan as usual. Businesses usually only take a few hours' break at the time of Iftaar (or breaking fast), or may end earlier than usual, so that employees are able to break their fasts in time.