If you are 17 weeks and two days on January 14th, then I assume you are due roughly on June 22nd (to be at 40 weeks). If this is the case then your dates of conception are from September 25th to October 3rd of 2009.
The approximate date of conception was April 17th
Around January 31, 2010
The approximate date of conception was May 1st 2009.
October most likely. December if your late. September if your early.
Based on a normal gestation period of 40 weeks the conception date was January 20th 2010.
the 3rd of November if u was to get pregnant 2011 in January ok :)
If your due date is May 14, 2010 you are 9 weeks pregnant
The approximate date of conception was May 3rd
Roughly January 14th
The approximate date of conception was May 10th 2009
April 20 the previous year
The most likely day of conception was January 31st 2010, and based on a normal gestation period of 40 weeks the due date is October 24th 2010.