German Measles.
you can in measles you can in measles
German measles are also known as "three-day measles", or "Rubella".
Filipino translation of German measles: tigdas
The biological name for Measles is Rubeola.Rubella is 'German Measles'.
The common name for measles is "rubeola."
Yes, you can get a blood test to check your titer (immunity level) for measles, chickenpox, and rubella (German measles).
Rubella is another name for German measles.
Exsample the genus name for Measles is Morbillivirus. So what is the genus name for German Measles?
MMR Vaccine protects against,MumpsMeaslesRubella = German measles===================
An ariborne pathogen that targets the respiratory tracts is the rubella virus. Rubella virus is also known as the German Measles. Treatment for the rubella virus is a vaccine.German measles or Rubela is caused by a special type of microbe called as 'Virus'.