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Q: When did doctors in the US first become aware of AIDS?
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How do you kill aids?

The first answer they had was wrong... There is no way to kill AIDS. There are doctors and others working on treatments for it but they have bot came up with a way to cure or kill AIDs so if you have it your out of luck People

Do he have aids?

The answer, my friend, is in the results of his AIDS test. Performed by good doctors everywhere.

What is the slogan for world aids day 2010?

"Act Aware".

Why students should be given information about aids and sars?

students should get information about aids because they can get aware of such thing

When did aids become widely spread?

Aids are dangerous :)

Can you get pregnant with AIDS?

Yes you can still become pregnant when you have AIDS.

Doctors in Africa are stepping up their efforts to fight which disease?


What are the factors affecting population distribution in Africa?

aids is a big issue because there are 5,000 - 7,000 people dieing everyday and there is not the education in Africa to provide children with to become nurses and doctors.

Should doctors spare no expense to care for AIDS patients who will most likely die regardless of treatment?

First of all, most HIV/AIDS patients can lead healthy productive lives if they maintain use of HAART therapy (antiviral therapy in a specific three drug combination) on a consistent basis. Secondly, most AIDS patients know when to let go ... when the pain and frustration become overwhelming. Very few AIDS patients ask for long-term ventilator treatment, for instance. The HAART treatment is not as expensive as earlier AIDS treatment once was.

What are two names given to AIDS before it was called AIDS?

HTLA and GRID--- the difference was that a french team of doctors and an American team of doctors were both doing research using a different name for the same disease. The American doctor published first and aids became HIV. Actually, the first name given to AIDS was "4 H disease" or the "scarlet letter H disease". This is because the first cases of the disease were found among homosexuals, Haitians, hemophiliacs, and heroin users. Later the name was changed to GRID, for Gay related immune deficiency. HTLV III was one of the first names for HIV before naming it HIV by the Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses.

Why did gay men get aids first?

AIDS is believed to have entered the human population sometime in the early 20th Century, but it didn't become an epidemic among gay men until about 1980.

What was Jenny in Forrest Gump sick with?

Jenny died of AIDS. This was back in the early-to-mid 1980s, when there were no real treatments and the doctors couldn't do much more than keep her as comfortable as possible while she died. As she says to Forrest (while they're in the park in Savannah and Forrest Jr. is playing on the swings): "Forrest? I'm sick...I have some kind of virus. And the doctors don't...they don't know what it is, and there isn't anything they can do about it."