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Disuse of a muscle causes atrophy, which is a shrinking of muscle fibers leading to weakness. With use, the atrophy can be reversed.

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Muscular Atrophy

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Q: When a muscle is not used and it grows smaller that is called?
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What grows bigger when used and grows smaller when used?

Plants. Say corn for example. It grows and wgen you eat it, it gets smaller

Can you lose muscle?

Yes, if muscles aren't used much, they gradually get smaller.

What smaller hip muscle is commonly used as an injection site?

my anatomy and physiology teacher has told my class multiple times that the smaller hip muscle that is a common sight for injection is the gluteus medius.gluteus medius

What happen if muscles are not used?

if the muscle are not used they become weaker and smaller than normal size ,but this problem is reversible by more physical exercises until the muscles aren't damaged. but if the denervation or injury occur to the muscle the weakness could be persistent and atrophy may occur.

What is a muscle that is not used for long periods and it wastes away?

A muscle that is not used for long periods of time and it wastes away is called an atrophied muscle.

What cause muscle to become larger or smaller?

Usage. If they are strained they grow bigger, if not used they shrink.

Its between your head and toes the more you use it the smaller it grows?

A bar of soap. It gets smaller with each use as it wears down from being used to wash.

What results in the disuse of muscle and bone?

When muscle and bone are not used, they become weaker. This is called atrophy.

What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

What word a noun is used to describe muscle shortening with stimulation?

The noun for muscle shortening is called contraction.

What do you call a muscle getting shorter?

Any muscle will become smaller if not used. The common term is "Atrophy". This is what happens to people who are bedridden for a long time. Their leg muscles become atrophied and they are unable to walk. They have to go through physical therapy to exercise the muscles and be able to walk again.

Was helicopters used in the malayan conflict?

Yes, helicopters were used in the Malayan conflict. The RAF used large twin rotor helicopters called Belvederes and smaller ones called Whirlwind and Wessex. The British Army had other even smaller ones there.Yes, helicopters were used in the Malayan conflict. The RAF used large twin rotor helicopters called Belvederes and smaller ones called Whirlwind and Wessex.The British Army had other even smaller ones there.