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Q: When a man and woman are in love do their brains work in different ways?
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Does man love you?

There are many different signs that show a woman when a man loves her. The man shows affection in many ways by taking care of her, respecting her, and by spending his time investing in her.

How does a person get their boyfriend to prove he loves you?

He either tells you he loves you or by the way he treats you do you feel lovedmen and women show emotions in different ways a woman can verbalize and will make love to you

How is love expressed in America?

Love is expressed in America in hundreds of different ways. Some examples are, words, affection, letters, cards, poems, and songs.

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I got 4 different ways but I'm probably wrong...

Is falling in love as intense the second time around as it was with you first true love?

Different people react in different ways.

On zombie farm is there a cheat to get Brains and gold?

No ways for brains. Sorry. But for gold plant your crops and change the time.

How 2 say i love you?

you say i love you in different ways to your family members and to your realtionships you have to meen on what your about to say an "I LOVE YOU!"

Who are deepest in love?

It is not possible to determine who is the deepest in love as love is a deeply personal and subjective experience. Different people experience love in different ways and at varying depths.

Is it possible to be in love without the heart racing and sweaty palms feeling?

sure. love can be shown and felt in many different ways. Everyone is different.

The ways to make a wife happy?

Depends on the kind of woman she is. As for me I just need to know that you love me, that I can trust you, and that I can depend on you.

How do you say the only love?

HE/ SHE IS MY One and Only Love, but people say it alot more different ways that how they want to.

What are the different ways to spell Destiny?

My mom spelled mine Desttany :) and I love it