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Q: When a fractured bone heals it leaves a thickened region known as?
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When a fractured bone heals it leaves a thickened region as?


What forms as a fracture heals a callus or a crepitus?

A callus forms as a fracture heals. This is a thickened area of skin that helps protect the healing bone. Crepitus refers to a crackling or popping sound or sensation that may be present when the fractured bone moves.

Can you use a sling to secure and support a fractured forearm after splinting the fracture?

A sling is recommended to secure and support a fractured forearm after proper splinting. A properly fit sling decreases major involuntary movements while the injury heals.

What causes scars?

a deep cut that heals over and leaves a mark known as a scar

What heals the inner torso after a fall leaves a black and blue?

Not much will. Just try not to do a lot of lifting and bending and take it easy.

If your tibia heals incorrectly what should be done?

I'm not an expert, but I've been wondering the same thing since my tibia got fractured and I was worried about it healing properly. According to my doctor, if a bone is healed incorrectly, they may have to re-break it and set it so that it heals correctly. That would really stink... I hope you are not in that situation (and I hope I'm not either)... good luck!

How many weeks does a fractured patella completely heals?

A broken patella can take up to eight weeks to mend depending on the type of break. If there are complications associated with the break or if the break is a compound fracture, this can take a little longer.

How can you treat a razor nick in the genital region?

A topical antibiotic like Neosporin is the best route to go. Apply it to the cut twice daily, until it heals.

You fractured your ring finger phalange in the middle you got a diagonal fracture from top to the bottom of the middle part will this heal naturally if you let it heal with a splint?

"Heal naturally" is the only way any injury heals. Sometimes medical treatment will provide assistance to the body, but everything that heals, heals naturally. So the answer is yes. However, you need to be aware of the possible complications. If the splint is put on wrong, the bones might heal at the wrong angle, and the finger will never be the same as it was. Also, with out medical assistance, infection could set in, and cause a much worse problem.

What knee structure heals the fastest?

menisci heals the fastet

How do you beat the elite four easily in soulsilver?

get two level 100 but if you cant buy lots of revives and brn heals,plz heals,frz heals,antidotes and awakining heals

What causes small red pimples on the body.they r really itchy.when it heals it leaves a black spot?

Maybe chicken pox, but you should see a doctor for a specific diagnosis and treatment