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Q: Whats the process used to withdraw urine form bladder?
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Whats the process by which the alcohol leaves the body?

Sweat and urine.

What are organs that hold urine until it leaves the body?

You hold the urine for some time in urinary bladder. Urinary bladder is situated in your pelvic cavity. The formation of the urine is continuous process. You can not go on urinating continuously. That is why the urinary bladder is there.

What body organ stores urine?

The bladder is the body organ that stores urine before it is eliminated from the body through urination.

What does the bladder store?

The bladder stores urine that is produced by the kidneys. When the bladder fills up with urine, it sends signals to the brain to let us know that we need to urinate.

What is the name of the organ that contains urine?

The bladder is the organ that stores urine before it is expelled from the body through the urethra.

Is the urine in the urinary bladder is sterile?

In general, the urine in the urinary bladder is sterile because the bladder and urethra are lined with tissues that help prevent infections. However, bacteria from the outside environment can sometimes contaminate the urine during the collection process.

What is the sack like structure that stores urine before it is removed from the body?

The bladder.

Where do the ureters take urine?

They carry the urine to the bladder. The urethra takes urine from the bladder to the outside.

What does a muscular bag that holds urine?

A bag like organ that holds urine is the bladder.

Where is the urine temporarily held?

the bladder

Where is urine stored?

Urine is stored in the bladder, a hollow organ located in the lower abdomen. The bladder expands as it fills with urine from the kidneys and contracts when it is emptied through the urethra during urination.

Where does urine go when it leaves the kidneys?

Urine leaves the kidneys through the ureters which are tubes that carry the urine to the bladder. The bladder stores the urine until it is expelled from the body through the urethra.