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I'm in the same sitituation... Well I'm not for sure for sure if im pregant yet but almost certain. If I am I want to move in with my boyfriend's parents. And I'm for sure they would be ok with it. However, my parents probably won't be. But the bes thing to do is talk to your parents. No matter how much you don't want to. If you never know what they'll say, you'll always wonder. Talk to them its the best thing.

Answer I am in the same situation as the women above me. I am 16 and I am pretty positive I'm pregnant, but tests haven't confirmed it. I am pretty sure that once his mother finds out (after she gets over the freak out she will have) she will allow me to stay with them, but my mother will probably be against it. She will most likely want me to stay with her. However, I believe it would be best for me to live with him so we can take care of it together. I plan to talk with my mother and get to understand where I am coming from. In the end, all you can do is talk to them and try to get them to see your side of it. I wish you the best of luck. *Celest*

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Q: Whats the best thing to do... im 17 and pregnant i want to move in with my boyfriend and his parents but i dont think my parents will ever approve?
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