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Q: Whats is the cause of a Bubbly stomach along with abdominal cramps?
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Not a pregnancy symptom, go to the doctor

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Do some sit-ups.

Is it normal to have cramps a week before your period is due?

Yes it can be due to the amount of soda you where drinking or it could be whats know as PMS

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You have stomach pains constant tiredness and headaches Why is this?

check with your doctor to see whats the matter

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An alkaline substance like milk, Maalox or simlliar ingredients.

Is it normal to throw up during your period I always get really painful cramps and cant even sit or stand i have to lay down and my stomach clinches so much i have diahrea whats wrong?

I have the same problem. It is related to hormones are out of balance because I am in my upper 30's. I started taking organic vitamins and stuff to balance them off. So far I am much better....

How much carbonation is in sprite?

Sprite contains approximately 3.5 volumes of carbonation, which is the measure of the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the drink. This level of carbonation gives Sprite its characteristic fizzy and bubbly texture.

If i have a sore throat stomach ache muscles hurt chest pains and chills whats wrong with me?

Sounds like a flu, stomach ache, chills, and sore muscles are about right, not sure about the chest though, could be a chest cold.

Your nips are tender and you are bloated tired dizzy stomach aches but you just finshed your p 2 wks ago whats wrong can i be pregnant?

You are probably ovulating