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Just talking to another person that you trust will help become aware of your feelings. (This might be your parent, a brother or sister, best friend, or your religious leader.) This is the, first step to understanding if there is a emotional, or social, or even a mental problem. A good way to resolve this problem is throw self expression such as art, or writing short story's or pottery. But just talking to another person can make make a world of differents.

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13y ago
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11y ago

There is of course no simple answer to this question. If there was, a whole lot of doctors and clinicians and authors would be out of work.

However, there are things most people could do to reduce stress and unhappiness in their lives.

In any case, following some of the advice below could help you immediately.

The first thing you need to do is an inventory of your life and situation.

Write down lists of the positive and negative things in your life, your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing you, wants, needs, limiting factors. Try to put together a realistic picture of your life NOW and a realistic set of actions you will take to arrive at a new profile that is happier and healthier.

For some middle-aged folks, divorce and custody battles can play a huge role here- set aside the fight and be an amazingly kind and generous person here and you may find a whole new you and a whole new relationship.

Professional challenges and failures are a big one these days- very few people are getting quite what they imagined for themselves, professionally or financially. Remind yourself that the economy has changed the game on alot of us, and we are actually better off than younger people who cannot even get a start in their career these days. So many lawyers and Bachelor's degree holders serving coffee and working retail these days...

Secret key: a lowly job is better than no job at all. I am a nurse but while briefly unemployed I worked a simple job and focused on perfection/excellence in that job, which increased my self-esteem, filled the gap in work history, and gave me a GLOWING reference from that manager. A truly glowing reference from a retail manager is better than a halfhearted one from a CEO. Best of all, it got me out with people, being positive and living life.

In any case, it is a good time to remove stressors, perhaps move into an easier job, take a vacation that you've always wanted (Caribbean/Bahamas, Hawaii, somewhere without too much stress or crime- don't go see the pyramids or Peru this time).

You've got to decrease stress and increase natural happiness.

Decreasing stress: Yoga is fantasic both physically and mentally. and most classes accomodate beginners. A daily walk reduces many negative feelings and blasts away stress.

Stop drinking coffee and switch to decaf, tea, or no caffeine at all. Green Tea actually has in addition to caffeine a chemical that helps you relax at the same time and cancels out the jittery aspect of caffeine.

Increasing potential for happiness: Comedy, laughs are excellent medicine. you can watch standup comics on the internet. There are lists of heart-lifting and funny movies published online also. These can be very uplifting and empowering.

A church community can be a nice place to get away and be treated nicely by other people. even if you aren't sold on religion, you can try a more liberal church such as unitarian if you are more of a deist.

There are Buddhist, new age spirituality, and other options in many cities.

Helping other people by volunteering is a huge secret key to happiness. It increases self-esteem. Help the homeless (you won't get dirty or catch any diseases, most shelters are pretty clean) or volunteer for something non-political.

If you can't handle these things for yourself or set them up, that's OK. Look for a support group and somewhere you can go to ensure that you are not isolated from other people.

Remember that you have more power over your mind and emotions than you think.

The problems you have do not define you. There are very wealthy and handsome people who are incredibly sad and unhappy. There are lepers living in exile in villages in Africa to this very day who wake up daily, help in their community, smile and laugh, and overall express that they "are happy". Mostly it's the expectations that society sets for us that we have a hard time dealing with when we can't live up to them.

Try to help others- it takes the focus off of your own problems and flaws, and it makes you feel really good, it gives you self esteem.

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Talking to someone you trust.

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buy a cat

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Q: What you can do to prevent social emotional or mental problems?
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Just talking to another person that you trust will help become aware of your feelings. (This might be your parent, a brother or sister, best friend, or your religious leader.) This is the, first step to understanding if there is a emotional, or social, or even a mental problem. A good way to resolve this problem is throw self expression such as art, or writing short story's or pottery. But just talking to another person can make make a world of differents.- Molior