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Q: What year did rasicm start?
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How long has rasicm been around?

ever since white people had slaved black people about 500 years ago . rasicm had been going on and ever since then, and its still going on. its prejustice-ness keep people from getting jobs

Will rasicm end?

sadly, I don't think it will ever end completely. There will always be racist people.

What year did rasicm end?

Racism has not ended and continues to persist in various forms in society today. Efforts to address and combat racism are ongoing, but it remains a complex and pervasive issue that requires continued attention and action.

What does rasicm mean?

Racism is the act of discrimination against people of different ethnicity, race, religion, etc. but most commonly used for race.

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Does Rasicm still exist?

It is nieve to think that rasicm does not exist. Rascim is embedded in every single person. Though many people find that there are more importent things in a person than skin color, some people cannot see past it. Plus, this country has become so politically correct that anything that resemblems anything insulting. So yea it does still exist but it is more ley key then it used to be.

When did break dance start?

In the year 1978.

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by arround the year 2030 will be the year cars start flying

What year did minimum wage start in the UK?

the year that minimum wage started was 1938