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A non functioning intestine will cause you not to have flatus, absent bowel sounds, and abdominal distention.

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Q: What would symptoms be for non functioning small intestines.?
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Related questions

Why food goes in parts from stomach to small intestines?

The small intestines is an organ that takes in the nutrition from the food from the stomach, if all the food flows into the small intestines they would burst and you could suffer massive pains.

Which system do the large and small intestines belong in?

The intestines belong to the Digestive Tract (or Digestive System.) Fact: Stretched from end to end, the human intestines would stretch a mile, literally!

Can you remove the small intestines?

Living without your small intestines is very unlikely, most of your bodies nurtients is absorbed here, and with out nurtients your bloodstream, tissue, and energy levels would go down. Fortunetly you can get sections of your small intestine removed if you had a disease that was fatal.

Does food rot in your intestines when digesting?

No, if there is a blockage in the intestines then there's a small chance that it would. But any food that's in the intestines gets digested and moved by water and the intestines naturally moving the food through your body

How many small intestines stretch the length of the equator?

Approximately 70,000 small intestines would stretch the length of the equator, as the average small intestine in an adult human is about 20 feet long.

What organ is distal to the small intestine?

The organ which is distal to the small intestine is the appendix.

What would most likely happen to pepsin that traveled with the food from the stomach to the small intestines?

the pepsin would become innactive

What would most likely happen to pepsin enzyme that traveled with the food from the stomach to the small intestines?

the pepsin would become innactive

Which part of the gastrointestinal tract has the highest concentration of blood capillaries?

This would be in the small intestine, because most absorption takes place there.

What is the danger to a dog that eats a sheet of clear plastic wrap?

the most common complication that could occur would be a blockage in the intestines which would have to be surgically resolved. symptoms would be vomitting after eatting or drinking.

What system is the small intestine part of?

The intestines are part of the digestive system.Yes

How do you make your intestine long?

You cannot make the intestines long, or any longer than what you have inside you. As it is, the small intestines are about 20 FEET long and one INCH in diameter! The large intestines are about 5 FEET long and about one INCH in diameter. With 25 feet (about 7.5 METERS) of intestines coiled inside you, why in the world would you want to make the intestines any longer!