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Q: What would make a crow throw up?
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If the make chivers jellies is dated February and its now April would it be okay to make and eat?

they would for a practical joke to make someone throw up

How do you make snake throw up?

by scaring it. the snake will throw up what it just ate

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you can not

Why do you have to throw up?

idk but i know how you can make yourself throw up. Well you can look at something gross or you can make yourself sick.

What would make an otherwise healthy dog throw up?

Indigestion, poisoning, tainted or spoiled food

Will swallowing air freshener make you throw up?

I don't know if this will make you throw up, but I don't advise you to try. Really, don't.

What does lob mean?

to throw up high or to take but i would use to throw up high

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Why does chew make you throw up?


Does Mentos make you throw up?

Not usually, no.

What do you do when you overdose on triple c?

Throw up. If you think you are ODing off of tripple cs and you arent throwing up, make yourself throw up. If you dont throw up you WILL die.

What is happens if you throw up underwater?

Well, the throw up would spread around because you threw up underwater.