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If urine wasn't filtered in the kidney, the particles in the urine would cause your genitals to explode.

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11y ago

You get sick because urine is in the blood before it is filtered out.

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Q: What would happen if the blood is not filtered?
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Blood is filtered by the?

Blood is filtered by the kidneys.

Which blood vessel- renal artery or renal vein- would have the cleanest blood?

The renal vein would have the cleanest blood because the kidney would have filtered out the poisons so the blood is clean. Arterial blood has foreign substances in it.

What happen to the blood in the kidney?

Waste and excess water is filtered out and sent to the bladder as urine.

How are harmful bacteria germs and worn out blood cells in the blood filtered and removed?

There shouldn't be any harmful bacteria in your blood but if there were it would most likely be filtered out into the lymph and then destroyed by phagocytosis in the lymphnodes. As for RBC's over approx. 120 days old, they are filtered out in the kidneys.

When blood is filtered what is produced?

When blood is filtered in the kidneys, urine is produced. Urine is a liquid waste product that contains water, salts, and waste products filtered from the blood by the kidneys.

How is blood filtered in kidneys?

Blood gets filtered because of the Nephrons, which are tiny little blood capillaries inside the kidneys.

Where would you find the glomerulus?

The glomerulus is found in the kidneys. It is a cluster of tiny blood vessels where blood is filtered to form urine.

Why does blood have to be filtered?

The kidney does not get filtered. It does the filtering of the blood that passes through it. It removes impurities from the blood, and filters these impurities to the urinary bladder. The filtered blood is sent back into the body to be recirculated. And the impurities are expelled from the body in the urine.

Blood is filtered by what?

The kidneys

What is never filtered from blood?

Blood cells, proteins, and nutrients are essential components of blood that are not typically filtered out. These components are necessary for various bodily functions and are usually retained in the bloodstream during the filtering process.

What organ is filtered with blood?

the kidney filter blood

In which layer of the kidney is blood filtered?

Blood is filtered in the glomerulus, which is part of the renal corpuscle located in the renal cortex of the kidney. The glomerulus is a cluster of tiny blood vessels where waste products and excess substances are filtered out of the blood to form urine.