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cat acid

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Q: What would cause your male cats stomach to be bloated?
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Related questions

Can cats safely lick lemons?

No, cats should not lick lemons as it can be harmful to their digestive system and cause stomach upset.

Would it matter what age a cat is to see if it would go to milk or water?

Cats are weaned off milk at about 18 weeks. After that, they become lactose intolerant (Meaning they can't digest milk). If you give an adult cat milk, it might get sick and irritable with a bloated stomach and a tummy ache.

Can cats eat cashews?

No, cats should not eat cashews as they can be difficult for them to digest and may cause stomach upset. It is best to stick to a diet specifically formulated for cats.

Are pumpkins bad for cats, and if so, why?

Yes, pumpkins can be bad for cats because they are difficult for cats to digest and can cause stomach upset or gastrointestinal issues. Additionally, the seeds and rind of pumpkins can be a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockages in cats. It is best to avoid feeding pumpkins to cats.

Is henna poisonous to cats?

Henna is not advised to be applied on cats. Although it is natural, it can cause irritation and infection on cats.

Are moths harmful to cats?

Moths are generally not harmful to cats. Cats may chase and play with moths, but they are not toxic or dangerous to them. However, if a cat ingests a moth, it may cause minor stomach upset.

Is it safe for cats to consume eggnog?

No, it is not safe for cats to consume eggnog. Cats are lactose intolerant and eggnog contains dairy products that can upset their stomach and cause digestive issues. It is best to avoid giving eggnog or any dairy products to cats.

How do lemons affect cats when ingested?

Lemons are toxic to cats and can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea if ingested. It is best to keep lemons and other citrus fruits away from cats to prevent any potential harm.

Why did my cat lick lemon water?

Cats may lick lemon water due to curiosity or attraction to the scent, but it is not recommended as lemons can be toxic to cats and may cause stomach upset.

Can cats safely eat miller moths?

Cats can safely eat miller moths, but it is not recommended as they may cause stomach upset or allergic reactions in some cats. It is best to prevent cats from eating moths to avoid any potential health issues.

Can cats have lemon water?

No, cats should not be given lemon water as it can be harmful to their digestive system and may cause stomach upset. It is best to stick to plain water for your cat's hydration needs.

What can out live cats and dogs and can live over 20 years and have no stomach?

A guess would be:A treePlant