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cat acid

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Q: What would cause your male cats stomach to be bloated?
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Would it matter what age a cat is to see if it would go to milk or water?

Cats are weaned off milk at about 18 weeks. After that, they become lactose intolerant (Meaning they can't digest milk). If you give an adult cat milk, it might get sick and irritable with a bloated stomach and a tummy ache.

Is henna poisonous to cats?

Henna is not advised to be applied on cats. Although it is natural, it can cause irritation and infection on cats.

What can out live cats and dogs and can live over 20 years and have no stomach?

A guess would be:A treePlant

Can cats get their stomach flipped?

yes they can

Do more dogs like milk or water?

I'd say water. For cats, milk is often preferred, but should not be given as many cats cannot digest lactose in cow's milk, and can cause an upset stomach.

Do male cats have hair on the stomach?


Where can you see a demonacala?

inside a cats stomach

Cats Odor over tongue?

Bad teeth can cause this or an upset stomach. This can be a symptom of an infection in the intestinal area or a disease so it is a good idea to have your cat examined by a vet to find out the cause for sure.

Can cats eat lemons?

Cats should not eat lemons. Lemons can be toxic to cats and can cause gastrointestinal issues such as upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is best to avoid feeding any citrus fruits to cats.

What cats are non-allergenic?

Frozen cats................... the allergy to cats is actually a reaction to cat skin cells. So skinless or frozen would not cause a reaction. Otherwise, get a dog.

What would cause sores on your cats teats?

the kittens are biting to hard! Its time for a saucer!

Do cats eat and drink chocolate?

No,chocolate is bad for cats it gives them stomach pains hope it helped