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If you have unexplained pain on your left side it could be from anything, not necessarily the ovaries. It is best to get it checked out by a physician. It could be an appendix or bowel obstruction. There is no way to diagnose abdominal pain without a physician opinion.

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I just want to know what could cause a light period

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Q: What would cause you to have a very light period and hurting on your left ovary?
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Stress can cause a missed period or so can PCOS, Hormonal Imbalance, Endometriosis, STD, ovary problems or not ovulating. See your doctor.

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You are about to get your period.

Do you have a period if you do not ovulate?

If you do not ovulate, you may not have a regular period. This is common in conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) where ovulation may be irregular or absent. In such cases, a person may experience irregular, heavy, or light periods.

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Go to the doctor ASAP; you might need to have the cyst removed.

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12 hours.

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It could be anything, go to the doctor.

Will you have a period every month when you have only one ovary and fallopian tube?

If the remaining ovary is healthy, yes, you will likely still have a period every month. The ovary is responsible for releasing eggs and producing hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. The presence of one functioning ovary can usually sustain normal menstrual patterns.

Is it possible to twist an ovary?

Yes it is. That is called ovarian torsion and can become a medical emergency. Typically, cysts are what cause this. The weight of a large ovarian cyst could cause an ovary to twist. If it twists a lot, the blood supply to the ovary could become compromised, and the ovary may start to die through the process known as gangrene. Then blood poisoning could result.

Can a w oman who don't have ovary can still have her period?

no, the ovaries are the primary organ in menstruation