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vestibular migraine - vertigo and extreme noise sensitivity? prolonged stress?

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Q: What would cause ocular migraine type symptoms during the night and when waking up during the night and in the morning?
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What are the symptoms of an Ocular migraine?

Some symptoms of Ocular migraine are: Visions issues that affect only one eye, long lasting headaches - up to 72 hours, nausea, vomiting, unusual sensitivity to light or sound.

Why do you have nominal aphasia after an ocular migraine?

Aphasia is simply another symptom in the migraine with aura spectrum. Since you have ocular migraines - your brain is definitely going through the aura process, which means you can be hit by a variety of symptoms that are not visual.

What is optic migrain?

There are two different kinds of migraine which people will refer to as optic migraine. The most common one is also call ocular or acephalgic migraine, ALSO called a silent migraine. This is a migraine where the aura, or vision impairment (along with other symptoms) occurs, but no pain occurs. While it can be great not to feel the pain of the migraine, people who have this type of migraine can be just as disabled, because the aura interrupts their life. It is just as important to seek treatment from a neurologist to treat these migraines, particularly if you are having more than two a month. A second type, not to be confused with ocular migraine, is ophthalmoplegic migraine, which are no longer considered to be migraines - but nerves which control the eyes acting out, causing drooping eyelids, watering eyes, usually on one side of the head.

Do having one eye only effect migraines?

Ocular migraines usually only effect one eye and are caused by restriction of blood flow to that eye. During an ocular migraine a person typically experiences loss of sight or blurred vision for a temporary period of time. Once the ocular migraine goes away the person will often have a headache but this does not always occur.

What is a silent migraine?

A "silent headache" or "silent migraine" (also called ocular migraine or acephalgic migraine), is a type of migraine where the only phase of the migraine not experienced is the head pain phase. So, this person can experience mood changes, nausea and vomiting, visual disturbances, balance issues, dizziness, and numbness - but will not have the severe pain which is associated with these types of headaches. While it is wonderful to not experience debilitating pain, this does not mean this type of migraine is not debilitating. Many of the symptoms still experienced can leave the sufferer unable to function during many of their usual daily activities. These types of migraines are still treated by the same medications used to treat other types of migraines.

What could be the cause of dizziness and distorted vision in one eye?

It could be very serious, go to your doctor. Stroke, high blood pressure, ocular migraine, glaucoma. These two symptoms are nothing to mess with, go to the doctor or an ophthalmologist asap.

What is seeing prisms out of your eye a symptom of?

Seeing prisms out of your eye can be a symptom of a condition called ocular migraine. This visual disturbance includes seeing shimmering or flashing lights, zigzag lines, or geometric patterns in your field of vision. It is usually temporary and resolves on its own. If symptoms persist or worsen, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

What is an opthalmic migrane?

Ocular migraines, or acephalgic migraines, are migraines where you have the symptoms of the aura, but the pain of the headache never comes. Ocular migraines have the same triggers as any other migraines, and will respond to the same treatment. Exposure to prolonged migrainous aura puts you at risk for stroke and for white matter lesions on the brain.a form of migraine with transient monocular vision loss, typically in young adults, that may or may not be associated with headache around the eye. Syn: retinal migraine. well actually i get ocular migraines, I've visited multiple doctors and they've all said that's what it was, and i do get the pain of regular migraines. it starts as distotred vision then moves to the outside of my periphrial vision, all symptoms are gone for 5 or so minutes and then i get a crazy headache right in the center og my brain it seems like. all i can do is take regular migraine medicine and sleep it off.

What ocular surgeries are safe during pregnancy?

If your ocular surgery is done in localanesthesia, it is safe in pregnancy.

What is a sentence using the word ocular?

The doctor examined the patient's ocular nerves during the eye exam.

What could cause a very rapid moving visual prism in the eye that caused blurred formed an outside half circle top to center bottom...then disappeared in 15 minutes?

This visual symptom could be indicative of an ocular migraine, which can cause temporary visual disturbances like shimmering lights, zigzag lines, or prisms and may be followed by a headache. It is important to consult with an eye doctor or healthcare provider to rule out any other potential causes and to discuss any further monitoring or treatment.

What can cause repeated temporary loss of vision in one eye?

Episodes of temporary loss of vision in one eye can be caused by conditions such as ocular migraines, retinal migraine, or transient ischemic attacks. It is important to seek medical evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.