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Mine was a torn ligament.

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Q: What would cause all over abdominal pain at 31 weeks severe cramping unable to move also hurts to touch my stomach even slightly please help im scared?
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Is it possible to have sharp abdominal pains when you are new to the pill?

Hello, Yes, it is possible for a woman to experience abdominal pains or frequent cramping when she first starts birth control or changes to a different birth control. However if the pain persists, see your Doctor. Please note this is advice only & should not be used in place of your Doctors evaluation.

What is the medical term meaning study of the stomach?

Gastric muscularis is a general term for the muscular layer of the stomach. It is made up of a group of muscles, each with their own name. Muscularis externa is also used to describe the stomach muscles. It differs from the other gastrointestinal organs in that it has 3 layers of smooth muscle instead of two. Please keep in mind that "stomach" muscles in anatomy are different from abdominal muscles. Many people refer to toning the abdominal region as getting a "hard stomach".

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I believe that it is caused by abdominal muscles being exercised when they are not used to it.

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IIf there is white discharge and no cramping am I pregnant?

This is commonly known as "sperm". You are not actually cramping you have just discovered the product of masturbation. This can actually impregnate other people but they have to be girls so keep in that mind. Please respect me

Why have you been bleeding for 5 months with cramping you are only 23?

5 months of continuous vaginal bleeding and cramping indicates a problem that needs the services of a pro. Please hit an ER (you don't have to pay when you get there -- they can work that out), or a doctor -- soon.

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What would make your spleen hurt?

An abdominal injury or a variety of medical problems. Please go to the doctor.

What does it mean if you lose part of your mucous plug and feel slight cramping?

You may be going in to labor. Please call your OB NOW!

What is the ab machine where you move plates?

You may be referring to an "abdominal isolator". Please see the related link for an example.

What are all the word abbreviations?

please identify your question slightly better

Why the cancer is called stomach cancer and not bone cancer Please quick I have a test in science?

Stomach cancer is not called bone cancer, because the cancers cells are not in the bones. With stomach cancer the cancer cells are in the tissues of the stomach.