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A temporary headache could be caused by straining your eyes for too long. Taking a break from staring at the computer or television frequently will help to prevent these headaches.

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Q: What would cause a temporary headache throbbing that goes away in about 30 minutes?
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There are more than 100 different headache disorders. Many of them cause throbbing or one sided pain. The most common of these is Migraine. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment, see your physician or a headache specialist.

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You may just have to tough it out man. Right now I'm in the same boat, I took three and have been up for 30 hours. Im stuck cause I can't sleep now due to this massive headache. Drink plenty of water, the adderall may be dehydrating you, therefore causing your headache.

Can you drink alcohol when taking secnidazole?

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Why headache can cause trichomoniasis?

I have no idea where you heard this but headache can not cause it. it's caused by a parasite.

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