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sleeping unusually or constant pressure in that one spot

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Q: What would cause a knot in your left lower back near the hip?
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Would scolioses cause the lower left side of your back to hurt and when you rub around that area you feel a knot and it feels a little sore and the middle of your back hurts?

Scoliosis, if diagnosed at a curve more than 45 degrees (even lesser curves, can cause aches and pains in the lower back and knotting. Going to a chiropractor can help ease the pains and help with unknotting the muscles in your back.

I have a hard boil type knot with no core on the lower part of my back what could this be?

There are many different things that a hard boil type knot with no core on the lower part of the back could be. It could be infection.

Is a dime-sized knot on the lower mid-back that causes pain anything to worry about and what could it be?

It is probaly a infection. You should see a doctor.

Would a true knot in the umbilical cord cause developmental delays?

My son had a true knot in his cord- found atbirth. He is a normal , smart 2 year old today

What is the cause of the defect knot in timber?

The cause of a knot in your timber is due to a branch growing on the trunk before it was cut down and seasoned.

When was the slip knot invented?

The slip knot it a class of knot that goes back before recorded history. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on the slip knot.

Why does hair knot?

because the cumiliations in the hair cells are all tight so that is what can cause it to knot

What causes swollen knots on your head?

There are many things that can cause a swollen knot on a persons back. An allergic reaction to something, an insect bite, or an animal bite are things that can cause this.

Why would ther be no more items left in the knot hole?

Because at the end of the year the students get them back.

Is a knot in the air different to a knot at sea?

No, a knot is a measure of speed so it would be the same.

What is plural of knot?

The plural form of knot would be: knots

What is the plural of knot?

The plural form of knot would be: knots