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counseling with a psychologist (:

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Q: What would be the best resource for someone who is mildly depressed?
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Jeremy is moody and generally mildly depressed. What would Hippocrates the Father of Medicine say about him?

he is being influenced by black vile

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What does it mean to have a heavy heart?

When someone has a heavy heart it mean that they're sad or depressed. An example of someone with a heavy heart would be like someone who has just lost a loved one and is very sad or depressed because of it.

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I would think they would be kinda depressed and asking rly strange

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Yes. A clerk is someone who you would employ to do a job, so they're. a human resource.

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maybe they are depressed and they want to try something new with their lives

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If she had opened up her feelings to someone, she would not have ended up this depressed.

Someone told you getting high while depressed would make you more depressed is this true?

That all depends on the individuals reaction. Some people get depressed while high no matter how they were feeling before. To others, it might make them feel better.

You are depressed what should you do?

I would start by telling someone about, a parent or family member or a friend you can trust. If you are depressed, you can't help yourself out of it, everyone needs help in a situation like that.... but if you're young and just split up, I'd still talk to someone about but likely you will forget about him or her and get on with having fun.

What is the phobia for a fear of depressed people?

This may not be official, but the latin word for sad is miserabilis and people is populusSo the phobia for being afraid of depressed people is something like miserabilispopulusaphobia for someone who is afraid of or has hate against depressed people, they would be a miserabilispopulusaphobiac (noun form) or they could be described asmiserabilispopulusaphobic (adjective form)

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What would Hippocrates the Father of Medicine say about someone who is moody and generally mildly depressed The person is being influenced by A phlegm B blood C yellow bile D black bile?

The person is being influenced by black bile, one of the 4 humors or temperaments.Hippocrates only had observations upon which to base his theories. All of 4 humors, as given in the question, were about what he observed about blood exposed to the air.