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Q: What would be the antonym for the word hallucination?
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An antonym for the word latent would be active.

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An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. An antonym for "accidental" would be "intentional."

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The antonym word for Ratlines would be Disratlines

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An antonym for the word 'wealthy' would be 'poor'.

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An antonym for hapless would be fortunate.

What is the antonym for the word autocrat?

An antonym for the word autocrat would be.. peasant, slave, etc.

Is icy a synonym or an antonym?

no icy is not a synonym or an antonym Well it depends on what word you are using. If the word was warm, it would be an antonym. If the word was freezing, then it would be a synonym. Icy would be an adjective all by itself.