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Tanalised timber refers to wood that has been industrially treated using a controlled vacuum pressure process with Tanalith preservative. Tanalised and Tanalith are registered trade marks of Arch Timber Protection, and may not be used to describe other formulations.

Tanalith C preservative contains chromated copper arsenate (CCA). In Europe, the use of Tanalised C pressure treated timber was restricted in 2006, and its replacement there is Tanalised E pressure treated timber, which contains copper and triazole biocides - which are commonly used to protect food crops.

The options for disposal of Tanalised wood are dependent on the formulation of Tanalith preservative that the timber was treated with, which can be identified by analysis. The Code of Practice in Related Links gives recommended advice on how treated timber can be disposed of effectively.

Tanalised E may be burned in approved industrial incinerators, but should not be burned in open fires or home wood burners. Please see the Related Link for more detailed information.

When burned, Tanalised C or CCA treated timber releases toxic chemicals into the air and concentrates them in the ash. The treatment of this timber may incorporate Copper, Chrome and Arsenic. These can all be classed as heavy metal toxins. Symptoms will vary depending on the degree of poisoning but can include:

  • loss of appetite,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhoea,
  • skin tingling,
  • cramping of muscles,
  • seizures,
  • hearing loss,
  • sleepiness,
  • confusion,
  • headaches,
  • fainting,
  • dizziness.
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Q: What will happen to your health if you burn tanalised timber in an open fire?
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Can you burn tanalised wood on your fire?

It is not recommended to burn tanalised wood on a fire because the chemicals used to treat the wood could release harmful toxins when burned. This can be harmful to both the environment and your health. It is best to dispose of tanalised wood properly according to local regulations.

What temperature does timber burn?

200 _400

How can you use timber?

you could burn it or use it as a building material

How do you dispose of affected or infected timber?

knock it down

Can you burn tanalised wood in your fire?

When a component treated with TANALITH wood preservative, applied using a vacuum pressure treatment process, reaches the end of its useful service life, there are a number of methods to consider for its disposal. These options are dependent on the formulation of TANALITH preservative that the timber was treated with. Visit the Arch Timber Protection website at for further information on this subject. When a component treated with TANALITH wood preservative reaches the end of its useful service life, there are a number of methods to consider for its disposal. These options are dependent on the formulation of TANALITH preservative that the timber was treated with. Visit the Arch Timber Protection website at for further information on this subject.

When did Burn Zombie Burn happen?

Burn Zombie Burn happened in 2009.

What will happen if someone's face will burn?

he will burn

What happens when timber is exposed to heat?

When timber is exposed to heat, it can lose moisture, causing it to shrink and crack. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can also weaken the structural integrity of the timber, making it more prone to deformation or collapse. In extreme cases, timber can catch fire and burn.

When did Yacolt Burn happen?

Yacolt Burn happened in 1902.

What would happen if their was no ozone on earth?

We will be burn just like sun burn

When did Negative Burn happen?

Negative Burn happened on 1993-01-01.

What would happen if white hot metal touched you?

you will burn and burn and it will hurt alot