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You don't really feel the filling and when the tooth comes out, the filling comes out with it. It is just like part of the tooth! HAPPY SEARCHING CHUMS:D!

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Q: What will happen if you get a filling on your wobbly tooth?
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Your tooth is wobbly but its got a filling and it's stopping my tooth from falling out?

See your dentist right away. That loose tooth could be harboring an infection if not removed fairly soon.

Do dentist put a injection on your tetth if its wobbly?

No usually. thats when then need to pull out a tooth. If your tooth hasn't come out and it is still wobbly they will

Is it normal for a wobbly tooth to chip?

No, its contagious.

What would happen if you don't brush your teeth daily?

its simple. you get tooth decay and have to have a filling

Should pull a dogs wobbly tooth out?

no take it to the vet

If you leave a wobbly adult tooth alone will it heal?

Possibly. However, you should consult your dentist; something made it wobbly in the first place and will likely do so again, eitehr to the same or a sifferent tooth.

When a tooth is sensitive to brushing and to cold what causes this to happen?

Decay (a rotten tooth, caused by insufficient cleaning), or perhaps a part of the tooth has chipped off. Go to a dentist, who will probably give you a filling.

Your 9 year old has a wobbly eye tooth is there an adult one pushing through?

I am 10 and I have a very wobbly tooth. It is falling back to let my adult tooth fall out. You may be able to see it, although I don't really know what YOU mean. F.Y.I tell him/her not to wobble it and give him/her the best food for a wobbly tooth. Sometimes, when it was wobbly for a long long time, I think, that an adult tooth grows under it, and then I think that it tries to push the milk one out, to make way. I just want to help, since I have the same problem with my tooth beside the one beside the one beside the one in the middle. Sorry.

If the Dentist says the tooth cracked because of grinding and not because of the filling he put in 2 weeks ago is this correct?

it is most likely the tooth had a small crack in it anyway. the tooth was alittle"high"from the new filling and the extra pressure from biting on it, cracked the tooth. usually after a new filling, you should go back to have the filling polished which strengthens the filling and adjusts the bite.

What are the release dates for Charlie and Lola - 2005 I Do Not Ever Never Want My Wobbly Tooth to Fall Out 1-16?

Charlie and Lola - 2005 I Do Not Ever Never Want My Wobbly Tooth to Fall Out 1-16 was released on: USA: 24 October 2005

Does wiggling a wobbly tooth get it to get out faster?

Yes - it will make it looser and looser (The more you wiggle it) and it will help to get it out quickler.

Unsmooth filling tooth?

needs to be smoothed.