A retainer is an orthodontic appliance that is designed to hold the teeth in a specific position. It can be a 'fixed' retainer, which means it is glued in place and is not removed, or it an be a removable retainer that can be removed to clean or eat.
Retainers are necessary following orthodontic treatment because bone has a 'memory'; that is, it wants to return to its former position, and in doing so, it will undo all the work to straighten the teeth. By wearing the retainer (sometimes for several years) you make the bone 'forget' its former position, and eventually the teeth will remain in their new position without the retainer.
See, What will a retainer do.
* It does not hurt to get a retainer * Before you get it, they have to make impressions of your mouth which is not painful at all * You need to brush your retainer at night * The retainer covers your top teeth put has a wire in front of your incisors(top teeth) * You get to choose the design/color of your retainer
A retainer is used for straiting your teeth if its messed up.
You'd probably break the retainer, another pair would be best.
Loop retainer Hard cast Fixed retainer
If your current retainer does not have suffiecient credit remaining, the attorney may ask for an additional retainer
You can't, any qualified dentist will not fit you with a retainer if a retainer is not needed. If they did so they could be sued.
Yes, the retainer will still fit properly. The filling fills a hole on the inside of the tooth, and the retainer covers the outside of the teeth so the cavity is not affected.
If you don't clean it and if you're using an acrylic retainer, yes. To prevent infection clean it as you normally would and use a glass retainer.
No. The retainer is used to keep the teeth in place, not move them. The retainer will probably just not fit as well now.
A retainer, though neither are cheap a retainer costs $500-1,000 and braces cost $5,000 for a full two year treatment
Retainer Clip