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the womb

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Q: What where the baby grows and develops until birth?
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Related questions

What is the period of growth before birth called?

The period of growth before birth is called the prenatal or antenatal period. During this time, the fetus develops and grows inside the mother's womb until birth.

Where in the human female's body - is a baby held while it develops?

The baby grows and develops in the uterus.

How do you use the word conception in sentence?

From concepton until birth, the baby develops in its mother's womb.

What is the first organ that will develop in the mothers womb?

The organ where the developing fetus resides is called the uterus. This is where the fetus grows and matures inside the female.

What is the name of the structure in which the fertilized egg grows and develop into a baby?

The fertilised egg attaches itself to the uterus (womb) and develops and grows till the baby is born

How a human baby grows in the mother's wound?

A human baby grows in the mother's uterus through a process called gestation. The baby develops from a fertilized egg to an embryo, then a fetus, receiving nutrients and oxygen from the mother through the placenta and umbilical cord. The baby continues to grow and develop until it is ready to be born.

What is the scientific name for the place a baby human develops?

The scientific name for the place a baby human develops is the uterus. It is a pear-shaped organ where the fertilized egg implants and grows into a fetus during pregnancy.

When does hair grows on baby hamsters?

Hair usually grows on hamsters 10 days after birth.

How old are Bella baby?

the baby grows constantly until she is about Bella's age(:

How many neurons does the brain have at birth?

A newborn baby is estimated to have around 86 billion neurons in their brain. These neurons are the building blocks of the brain's complex network, which develops and grows throughout life.

The cluster of developing cells from conception until birth is called what?

This cluster of cells change the baby grows from pre-embryo to embryo to fetus.

Is a baby kangaroo attached to its mother's nipple?

No. Babies start out on the inside, teats are on the outside. Baby has to be born and climb to the teat after birth.