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if you mean the SARS outbreak this happened in the spring and summer of 2003

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Q: What were the dates of the flu outbreaks in Canada?
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What international organization tracks bird flu outbreaks?

The World Health Organization tracks bird flu outbreaks and the charts the numbers of human cases that have been confirmed by a laboratory.

What causes influenza outbreaks?

Flu viruses that people are not immune to.

Where has the Swine Flu been recently?

As of the 2011-2012 flu season, it is still circulating in isolated outbreaks. In the Northern Hemisphere there are scattered outbreaks seen. It is expected to be one of the three most common types of flu during this flu season and, therefore, the seasonal flu vaccination protects against it again this year.

What is an indirect economic cost of yearly flu outbreaks?

44 million days of missed work

What is the meanning of control measures?

Control measures are put in place to stop outbreaks and preventing re occurrences. An example of this is people getting the flu shot so they wont get the flu.

Is Swine Flu spreading to New Jersey?

The swine flu is widespread everywhere in the US right now. There are only a couple of states reporting reginol outbreaks. You can find flu maps on the CDC web site as well as google.

Is there any bird flu in Canada?

Yes. The H5 variant of the Avian Flu hit Canada in late spring this year. See the following link.

What places can you get Swine Flu?

Almost anywhere, it has spread to all parts of the world and small outbreaks continue in some places as of December 2010.

Will Swine Flu get stronger or weaker in the winter?

Influenza viruses are typically more prevalent during the fall and winter colder weather. There is a distinct season for the flu in that part of the year with the annual strains of flu viruses going around even called the "Seasonal Flu". It is expected that Swine Flu (A-H1N1/09) will likely follow that same pattern and reappear in the Northern Hemisphere in a second wave of outbreaks. It was a second wave of a mutated strain that caused the most illness and deaths during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. However, since we have not experienced this type of flu before, and because it is not acting entirely typically, in that we have sporadic outbreaks continuing all summer in the Northern Hemisphere long after the typical seasonal flu has "faded out", it is at present still unpredictable. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization are monitoring the seasonal and A-H1N1/09 flu outbreaks closely in the Southern Hemisphere to gather as much data as possible on how the virus behaves in the colder weather before the US flu season arrives in October. We should continue all advised precautions.

Is the Swine Flu slowing down?

Yes. The pandemic has been declared over. There remain some isolated outbreaks from time to time and place to place, however, so if you have not received a vaccination for it yet, you should. The swine flu vaccine is included in the seasonal flu vaccination in the 2011-2012 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere.

Have there been any outbreaks of swine flu in cabo san lucas Mexico?

NO and I was just at the Dr.'s recently, they are taking every precaucion to ensure that anyone going into the hosptial with flu symptoms is checked. I honestly believe you are more likely to catch Swine or any flu in the U.S.

How common is Flu?

Less common now as more people are being vaccinated to prevent it. Since the pandemic was declared over, there are still some isolated outbreaks around the world and it is one of the more common types of flu expected to be circulating still in the 2011-2012 flu season.