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A person with dementia is still able to learn great skills. It is advisable to keep them occupied with certain care programs so that they can develop normally.

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Keara O'Conner

Lvl 10
1y ago
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13y ago

A person who has developed dementia has lost many of his normal brain functions, understanding, capabilities, abilities to perform routine tasks normally, revised preferences, probably needs assistance from family members or social workers with personal hygiene, getting dressed, making decisions and choices, lost abilities to drive, or cook, or the ability to care for oneself as usual.

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11y ago

Caring for dementia patients is one of the most challenging endeavors and family member can take on. It is difficult to care for an adult that has been a caregiver for most of there lives. Understanding the needs of a Dementia patient can be a very difficult task but you can in fact understand by listening and observing their environment. By listening to the dementia patient and then observing behavior you can determine basic needs like thirst or hunger. With careful observation you can also understand whether they are feeling pain or fatigue. Here are a couple of tips.

1. Have and open mind - When listening to a dementia patient it is important to have an open mind. Because they have difficulty with word finding, they may be saying words related to what they are trying to communicate instead of the actual words.

2. Observe the environment - In addition to having communication deficits, dementia patient often misinterpret environmental stimulus. They may think a shadow is a puddle or squeaky hinge as a bird. If the patient under your care sounds as if they are hallucinating or imagining things observe the environment. There may be a reasonable explanation.

3. Have patience - It takes time and Patience to understand a person with dementia. But you can crack the code by listening to them but most of all caring for them.

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7y ago

Suffering from dementia can affect anyone and at any time (young or old). Someone suffering from dementia was once a person, an individual, and now they need our help so they can live out the remainder of their life in dignity. That person could have once been a valued member of society or a part of a loving family.

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10y ago

A person with dementia is still able to learn great skills. It is advisable to keep them occupied with certain care programs so that they can develop normally.

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